News & Resources

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Five Productive Ways to Spend the School Holidays

Posted on 04 Oct

1) Take Time For You By taking time to care for your mental and physical wellbeing, self-care helps you stay … Continued

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We Should Be Asking ‘Are You Ok?’ Everyday

Posted on 12 Sep

“In the time it takes to have a cup of coffee, you can have a conversation that could change a … Continued

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Meet the Team – Kiara

Posted on 06 Sep

Meet the Team – Kiara Wright Meet Kiara, one of the fantastic Year 11 Boarders working at the Lighthouse. Kiara … Continued

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Technology and Mental Health

Posted on 04 Sep

There are many advantages to how schools like PLC successfully integrate information and learning technologies across the curriculum.  Our girls … Continued

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The Power of Creativity

Posted on 04 Sep

Reflections With Sue Tredget – The Power of Creativity PLC has been buzzing with creativity over the last couple of … Continued

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Shining a Light on Languages

Posted on 07 Aug

Reflections, with Sue Tredget It’s Languages Week, so it seems fitting that this month I should seize the opportunity to … Continued

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Four Steps to New Habits

Posted on 07 Aug

Developing new habits and eliminating bad ones can be extremely difficult. When we’re building new habits, we’re essentially rewiring our … Continued

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Let’s Talk About Sexting

Posted on 07 Aug

We Need to Talk About Sexting… Many parents have probably heard of, or started watching, the new Australian television series, … Continued

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Celebrating International Friendship Day

Posted on 30 Jul

“On this International Day of Friendship, let us strengthen bonds among individuals and generate greater respect and understanding in our … Continued

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The Science of Boosting Your Happiness

Posted on 23 Jul

What’s the Most Important Thing in Life? Contrary to popular opinion, it’s not money, fame or power. It’s happiness. There … Continued

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Another A+ for Exercise

Posted on 16 Jul

How Exercise Can Improve Academic Performance Joshua Cowan, O2 Active B. Ex & Sport Sc. UWA A common question we … Continued

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Sharenting: Are We Sharing Too Much About Our Children on Social Media?

Posted on 03 Jul

Sharing is Only Caring if You Ask Permission First You know it’s Year 12 ball season when tuxedoed and frocked-up … Continued

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Reframing Failure

Posted on 02 Jul

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy How can we learn from failure? … Continued

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Reflections with Sue Tredget – July

Posted on 02 Jul

Embrace the JOMO The fear of missing out has always been a thing. Long before the internet was born and … Continued

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Meet the Team – Lucy

Posted on 01 Jul

Meet the Team – Lucy Palmer Meet Lucy, one of the Year 12 PLC Boarders working at the Lighthouse. Lucy started … Continued

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Reflections with Sue Tredget

Posted on 04 Jun

My Unexpected Journey Sometimes our lives don’t follow the path we had expected. If you had told me six years … Continued

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Meet the Team – Izzy

Posted on 27 May

Meet Izzy, one of the new casual Lighthouse Administrative Assistants! Born and raised on a cattle farm near Mt Barker, … Continued

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Meet the Team – Amelia

Posted on 08 May

Meet Amelia, one of the new Lighthouse Administrative Assistants! Amelia joined PLC as a Year 11 student last year, after moving from … Continued

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Students Become Staff at PLC Lighthouse

Posted on 08 May

Students Become Staff at PLC Lighthouse: A chat with new staff members, Izzy, Amelia and Sahara “It does feel a bit … Continued

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Celebrating One Year of the PLC Lighthouse

Posted on 04 Apr

The PLC Lighthouse has been and will continue to be an integral part of the School’s universal approach to wellbeing; providing an anchor … Continued

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