It is the Foundation’s task to ensure there will always be a generation at PLC today, who benefit from the foresight of and generosity of generations past.

This can occur either through Scholarships to those whose family circumstance would otherwise not allow them to become a PLC Girl, or through the funding of capital projects like the Swim and Recreation Centre, Science, Art and Technology facilities or the Senior School building.

All gifts to the Foundation, whether they be donations made during a lifetime or those given through a Bequest, support our vision to prepare every student to be personally successful in our evolving world.

The PLC campus abounds with signs that demonstrate the generosity of our community. The Foundation has supported a number of infrastructure projects through successful capital campaigns.

The Foundation is committed to supporting the College’s Strategic Plan and Master Plan.

2016 saw the completion of the Beth Blackwood Senior School Building. Senior School students benefit greatly from state-of-the-art facilities within this new building, in particular, the Year 12 Common Room.

PLC Student Hardship Appeal 

To help our current PLC families facing financial hardship because of COVID-19, the PLC Foundation launched a Hardship Appeal to support them in May 2020.

The School continues to apply the objective and rigorous process for assessing hardship requests whilst keeping the families’ identification highly confidential. To date, the funds from this Campaign have assisted more than 55 families. Your generosity allows the daughters of these families to continue their PLC education. We anticipate that for several years we will continue to receive requests for assistance.

The management team behind this project is regularly in contact with families who have sought assistance. The gratitude from these families for your generosity has been immense, their relief unrivalled.

It is with heartfelt gratitude that I thank all our PLC Student Hardship Appeal donors for their generous donations; because of you PLC can offer strength and comfort to families in our community who continue to experience hardship due to COVID-19.

Donate Today

Click here to donate now or download the donate form below and return via email to or by post to PLC Foundation, Presbyterian Ladies’ College, 14 McNeil Street, Peppermint Grove, WA, 6011.